Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Agricultural Engineering is the constituent department of the Sri Karan Narendra College of Agriculture, Jobner since its inception. The department is actively engaged in the teaching, research and extension activities. Department offers various introductory courses from the agricultural engineering discipline to the undergraduate students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture. The department also includes the Workshop of the college which manages the tractor operations for farm and other activities, drinking water supply of the whole Campus along with the management of the solar power plants of the college. The department has also started the DGCA approved “Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO)” in the month of June, 2023 which is the first RPTO in the Rajasthan State.
Aims & Objectives
To increase the awareness of the students and farmers about latest agricultural engineering machines/technologies/inventions though teaching, research and extension activities.
Enhance learning and understanding of the subjects through practical based education.
To enhance agriculture production and productivity through precision agriculture and mechanized farming.
To make agriculture a profitable enterprise by value addition through processing of agricultural products.
To develop small machines/tools/equipment for different agricultural operations to enhance operation efficiency.
A. Classrooms
The department has two well-equipped Smart Class Rooms consisting of an 86” IFPD, e-podium, auto-tracking camera and effective AV system with uninterrupted internet connectivity for UG classes.
B. Laboratories
Well-equipped Farm Machinery and Power Laboratory with working models of different mechanisms of the tractor and engines.
Fully furnished Aonla and Aloe Vera processing laboratory for making different processed products from Aonla and Aloe Vera.
Laboratory for Centre of Excellence on Applications of AI in Agriculture with drone maintenance and battery charging station.
RPTO simulation laboratory for simulation training of RPC.
C. Workshop
D. Farm Machinery Testing Centre
E. Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO)
Department was visited by Sh. Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan State on 24th March 2022 along with Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SKNAU, Jobner Dr. J.S. Sandhu
Name: Dr. Upendra Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor & Incharge
Contact: 7976561985
AEIS Profile Link:

Staff Information
Name: Dr. Naveen Kumar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Agril. Engg. (Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Contact: 9468468401
AEIS Profile Link:
Research Projects
Courses offered in the Department
Sow the Seeds of Tomorrow
Drone Engineering..
Agriculture drone empowers the farmer to adapt to specific environments and make mindful choices accordingly. The gained data helps regulate crop health, crop treatment, crop scouting, irrigation, and carry out field soil analysis and crop damage assessments.

Departmental Gallery