Ph.D. Credit Seminar

Successful completion of centralized PhD Credit Seminar programme at SKNCOA (SKNAU), Jobner

Sri Karan Narendra College of Agriculture, Jobner organized an innovative and comprehensive academic programme for PhD students currently studying during current academic session: 2024-25. From 12th November, 2024 to 7th January, 2025, a total of twenty nine centralized Ph.D. credit seminars were organised on every Tuesday and Saturday in the extension theater, SKNCOA, Jobner as per guided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. Balraj Singh. The aim of these seminars was to deepen the knowledge of Ph.D. students, to enhance their research capabilities, and to provide them a platform to present their ideas and research. The presentations are very much helpful in increasing the confidence level among the students.

A New Dimension:

Earlier, these seminars were held in respective departments, but this time a centralized platform was created to bring all PG students together. This change provided all students an equal opportunity to come together on a common platform and learn from each other's ideas. On an average, 187 PG students and faculty members attended each seminar.

Wide Range of Subjects:

Presentations were given on various topics during these seminars, giving students in-depth knowledge about different areas of agriculture. Each presentation was about for an hour with the help of PPT presentation and also having interaction sessions with the students and faculty. All presentations were of high quality and were successful in providing students, a basic understanding of the subjects.

Faculty Guidance:

This programme was initiated as per guided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. Balraj Singh. PG Coordinator, Dr. Shailesh Godika (Head, Plant Pathology) successfully organized these seminars under his able leadership. Dean and Faculty Chairman, Dr. M.R. Chaudhary, Associate Dean Dr. Shailesh Marker, and Heads of all departments regularly attended these seminars and motivated the students. Dr. I.M. Khan, Professor & Head, Department of Extension Education and Dr. B.S. Badhala, Associate Professor provided all the facilities for organizing the programme in extension theater, which led to the successful completion of this program.

Benefits for Students:

* Increase in Knowledge: By listening the presentations on various topics, students expanded their multi-disciplinary knowledge.

* Improvement in Research Capabilities: Presentations and discussions gave students new ideas to improve their research work.

* Increase in Confidence: Presenting their ideas and answering questions boosted the students' confidence level.

* Networking: Interacting with students from different departments provided networking opportunities.