Department of Soil Science and Agril Chemistry
Identity of the Department
The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry was established in the year 1960 to coordinate and strengthen teaching, research and Extension activities in the field of soil science and allied areas. The Postgraduate Programme was initiated in 1967 and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme started in 1970.
Aim and Objectives of Department
The main aim of this Department is to carry out teaching and research on the fundamental and applied aspects of the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil; plant nutrition; improvement and maintenance of soil fertility for sustained optimum agricultural production with following objectives;
To impart education in soil science and related aspects of soil keeping in view of the changing global scenarios in agriculture and allied subjects.
To carry out basic and strategic research on soils especially physical, chemical and biological processes related to management of nutrients, water and energy.
To develop advanced technology for sustainable soil health management that is most efficient and least environmental polluting.
To develop database repository of information on soils in relation to quality and productivity.
To quantify the agro-ecology factor for categorization of land use and optimal cropping patterns.
To exchange information with scientists engaged in similar pursuits through group discussions, symposia, conferences, webinars and publications.
To collaborate with state department of agriculture, national, international and other research organizations for the fulfilment of the above objectives
Completed projects/ schemes
All India Co-ordinated Research Project on soil physical constraints and their amelioration for sustainable crop production under Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi
All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Management of salt affected soils and use of saline water in Agriculture under Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi.
Facilities or infrastructure
Soil, plant and water testing laboratory: Latest instrument as Nitrogen analyzer, Flame photometer, spectrophotometer, Pressure plate membrane, Centrifuge machine, Electronic balance, Hot Plate, Oven (hot air), Hot water bath, Digestion and Distillation assembly for nitrogen, pH meter, EC meter and Double distilled water assembly are assembled in the well equipped soil, plant and water testing laboratory.
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) Laboratory: Micronutrients (Fe, Cu Mn and Zn) analysis facility is available in the AAS (Atomic absorption spectrophotometer) laboratory.
Biogas Plant: A biogas plant of 4m3‑per day biogas production capacity (Fixed dome type) is established at Dairy farm, SKNCOA, Jobner. Biogas plant (4m3) started producing methane gas. Demonstration was given for hands on training to students of SKNCOA, Jobner and farmers of Rajasthan. Biogas plant is producing 4 kg biogas and 100 Kg Bio-slurry daily. This biogas is sufficient for cooking food of 08 member’s family daily.
Vermi-composting unit: Vermicomposting of lingocellulosic organic residues and cattle dung is being done in the vermicompost unit. Demonstration was given for hands on training to students of SKNCOA, Jobner and farmers of Rajasthan. This vermicompost is using by the students of SKNCOA, Jobner, for their research work of M.Sc. and Ph.D degree, this vermicompost is also selling to the farmers of this area as and when they needed.
Departmental Library: The departmental library facility contains thesis of M.Sc. and Ph.D. Soil Science, Books, Journals, Practical manuals and Departmental reports.
Seminar hall: Seminar hall is available in the department to conduct Seminars/ meetings
Soil monolith Museum: The Soil Museum of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKNCOA, Jobner is a reference centre on the soils of Rajasthan. It gives an overview on the heterogeneous soils of the Rajasthan State. The museum display a cross section of all bench mark soils of Rajasthan along with the description of its occurrence, distribution, identifying characteristics, unique features etc. Each soil profile, accompanied by information on the taxonomic class, nutrient status, productivity potential and an interpretation showing the suitability of various crops, optimum land use and managerial requirements.
Name: Dr. K.K. Sharma
Designation: Professor & Head
Specialization: Soil Fertility & Nutrient management
Contact: 9887147660
AEIS Profile Link:

Staff Information

Name: Dr. Gajanand Jat
Designation: Associate Professor
Specialization: Soil Science, Soil fertility, Nutrient Managment
Contact: 9166312830
AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Rajhans Verma
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization:Soil Science, Soil fertility, Soil Microbiology
Contact: 9530379492
AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Dr. S.S. Sharma
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Soil Science, Pedology
Contact: 9413831200
AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Prerna Dogra
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Soil Science, Soil Fertility
Contact: 9785549593
AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Mr. Chiranjeev Kumawat
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Conservation
Contact: 8745081300
AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Kiran Doodhawal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Soil Science, Soil Fertility and nutrient management
Contact: 9587209774
AEIS Profile:
Former Heads
Achievements, recommendations and findings
Organized one week awareness programme regarding World Environment Day, from 30th May to 5th June, 2023 at department of soil science in collaboration with NAHEP . Hon,ble Vice-chancellor, Dean and faculty chairman and PI, NAHEP has graced the occasion.
Awareness Programmes on the occasion of World Environment Day Celebration, on 5th June 2023. “Waste to Wealth” Composting and Biogas Production for Environmental Safety, Energy Production and Soil Health Management.
Organized a seven days training on “Analysis of Soil, plant and water samples” from July 12 to 18, 2023 in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner with collaboration of NAHEP, SKNAU, Jobner. Dr. K. K. Sharma, act as training Coordinator of this seven days training.
Organized a seven days training on “Organic Farming for Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture” from August, 21 to 28, 2023 in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner. This training organized by Dr. K. K. Sharma, in collaboration with NAHEP, SKNAU, Jobner.
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN college of Agriculture, Jobner has organized one day interaction lecture of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Balraj Singh Ji Sir on 31-10-2023, in collaboration with School of automobile mechanical and mechatronics, Manipal University, Jaipur.
World Soil Day was celebrated on 5th December, 2023 at Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry. Prof. B. L. Jat, Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Sudesh Kumar, Director Education, SKNAU,
ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation award and Zonal award contest, 2023 organized by the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN collage of Agriculture, Jobner on September 8, 2023.
Established a 4m3‑per day biogas production capacity plant (Fixed dome type) at Dairy farm, SKNCOA, Jobner. It was inaugurated by Prof. J.S Sandhu, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SKNAU, Jobner in the presence of Dean and faculty chairman, SKNAU, Jobner on 15th April, 2021. Biogas plant is producing 4 kg biogas and 100 Kg Bio-slurry daily. This biogas is sufficient for cooking food of a family having 0 8 members.
Received the accreditation from Biofuel Authority of Rajasthan, Jaipur to verify and forward application forms of the farmers of SKNAU domain to the Biofuel Authority of Rajasthan, GoR, Jaipur by the department of Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry to establish and provide subsidy to farmers on biogas plants under new National Mission on Biogas and Organic manure Production of MNRE, GoI, New Delhi.
Organized National Web Conference on “Utilization of Organic Waste for Soil Health Management and Energy Production under Changing Climate Scenario” on October 06, 2020. Total 2150 Scientists, researchers and Students from India and abroad participated in this Web Conference. Four eminent speakers namely Dr.Lata, Principal Scientist Division of Microbiology, ICAR-IARI, New- Delhi, Dr. V. K. Vijay, IREDA Chair Professor CRDT, IIT Delhi National Coordinator - Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Dr. S. S. Sooch, Principal Scientist Department of Renewable Energy, P. A. U. Ludhiana and Dr.PrateekShilpkar, Senior Scientist Biogas Research Center, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, Gujarat delivered important talks.
Organized an International Webinar on the occasion World Soil Day on 5th December. 2020 on the theme” Keep soil alive- Protect soil biodiversity”. Dr. Paolo Nannipieri, Emeritus Professor, University of Firenze, Italy, President of International societies of Soil Science, Editor-in- Chief, Biology& Fertility of Soils and Dr. D.L.N. Rao, Adjunct Professor, RVSKVV, Gwalior, M.P. o delivered talks.. Total 548 participants joined this online webinar.
Organized an International webinar on the occasion of International Earth day, 2021 on theme “Restore Our Earth”. Chief Guest & Keynote Speaker, Prof. Rattan Lal, World Food Prize Winner, 2020, Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, Ohio State University, USA. Delivered keynote lecture. Total 782 participants joined from India and Abroad in this online webinar on International Earth Day, 2021.
Organized a National Webinar on the occasion of World Environment Day, 5th June, 2021 on the theme “Restore Ecosystem for Healthy Environment”. The eminent speakers Dr. J. C. Dagar, Ex. ADG NRMA, ICAR, New Delhi delivered a lecture on “Climate Change and Environment Degradation in Relation to Agriculture” and Sh. Mahesh Navhal, Environmentalist and State Amrita Devi Vishnoi Prize Winner 2015 delivered a lecture on “River Revival for Ecosystem Restoration”. Total 1041 online delegates participated from National and International level.
Organized a Two days International Virtual Workshop on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Year of SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner from4th-5th October, 2021 entitled “Soil Carbon for Sustainable Crop Production and Soil Health Management”. The occasion was inaugurated by the chief guest “World Food Prize Winner-2020” Prof. Rattan Lal, Director of Carbon Management and Sequestration Centre, Ohio State University, USA and presided over by the Hon’ble Vice chancellor Prof. J.S. Sandu, SKNAU, Jobner. The eminent speakers Dr. Ch. SrinivasaRao, Director, ICAR-NAARM, Hydrabad and Dr. Sanjay Arora, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CSSRI-RRS, Lucknow delivered lectures on carbon management and 08 researchers presented their original research on carbon management in this two days International Virtual Workshop. Total 670 online delegates participated from India and abroad.
World Soil Day was celebrated on 5th December, 2021 in the village Rojri, Distt. Jaipur, Rajasthan by the Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry. Prof. J. S. Sandhu, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Prof. A. K. Gupta, Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner, Prof. Sudesh Kumar, Director Education, SKNAU, Prof. M. L. Jakhar, Director Research, SKNAU, Jobner and Scientists and Research scholars of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry were present during the programme. Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and officers of the Department of Agriculture, GoR and farmers participated in the world soil day programme.
Brainstorming workshop on “Invest in our planet” was organized on International Mother Earth Day on 22nd April, 2022 in the Extension Theatre, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner by the Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry under NAHEP. Shri Himatha Ram Bhammu, (PADANSHRII AWARDEE-2020) graced the occasion as Chief Guest. He focused on tree plantation at large scale to save the earth planet. Dr. A.K. Gupta, Dean and Faculty Chairman, Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner and Dr. L. R. Yadav, Associate Dean, Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner and Scientists and Research scholars of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry were present during the programme.
Department has got one Volunteer centre of AICRP on Forage Crops & Utilization, IGFRI, Jhansi and Research trial is being conducted on Nutrient management in Oat.
Recommendations and findings
Combined use of poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 and 20 kg Zn SO4 ha-1 is a better choice for mitigating adverse effects of high RSC waters on wheat.
Integration of multipurpose tree species with crops improved the soil conditions by enhancing SOC, total and available pool of soil NPK and biological activities (microbial biomass and enzymatic activities).
Zinc fertilization alongwith vermicompost application to fenugreek crop mitigates the adverse effect of sodic water by inducing sodicity tolerance in the crop.
Application of zinc @ 50 Kg ZnSO4 ha-1 and iron @ 100 kg FeSO4 ha-1 to the soil irrigated with high RSC waters increased the indices of the soidcity tolerance in wheat.
Incorporation of poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 improved the soil conditions and mustard yield soil conditions by enhancing soil organic carbon, available pool of soil N,P,K, and biological activity in terms of microbial biomass and enzymes under irrigation with high RSC water
Higher dose of phosphorus recorded maximum yield of chickpea irrigated with chloride dominated saline water as compared to sulphate dominated saline irrigation water indicating more P requirement in chloride dominated saline irrigation water.
Performance of Kh-65 of wheat and RS-6, RS-17 and BL-2 of barley under saline sodic soils is better compared to other varieties.
Incorporation of Dhamasa and Subabool to soil have shown promising results in reducing the deleterious effect of continuous use of saline water (8dS/m)on different crops viz. wheat, gram, methi and clusterbean.
Application of 50%GR is suitable and economic dose of gypsum for getting good yields of barley and wheat in sodic soil.
The “Physical index” of soils of ACZ-III-A of Rajasthan was evolved and soils found to be in moderately suitable class (III) for crop production express the 50 per cent potential of expected yield of crops.
The “compaction tillage” was identified as appropriate tillage on the basis of “tillage rate index to alleviate the pertinent soil physical constraints and to increase production potential of crops in soils of ACZ-III-A of Rajasthan.
Appropriate (compaction) tillage improved the water and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat in loamy sand soils by saving of two irrigation and 40 kg N ha-1.
Compaction tillage in loamy sand soils increased the yield of pearl millet, wheat mustard and Taramira by 10-30%.
Compaction of loamy sand soil after mixing of 2% clay increased the yield of pearl millet and wheat by 20-40%.
Chiseling technology suggested for soils having sub-surface hard pan and technology reported 30% more yield of pearl millet and wheat.
Combined use of poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 and 20 kg Zn SO4 ha-1 is a better choice for mitigating adverse effects of high RSC waters on wheat.
Integration of multipurpose tree species with crops improved the soil conditions by enhancing SOC, total and available pool of soil NPK and biological activities (microbial biomass and enzymatic activities).
Awards and Honor/Appreciations
An appreciation certificate to Dr. S.P. Majumdar, Soil Physicist and Principal Investigator of AICRP on Soil Tillage Research Project was given by Secretary DARE and Director General ICAR New Delhi for contribution in1994
Dr. B.L. Yadav and Dr. B.L. Kumawat, Asstt. Scientists of AICRP on Soil Tillage Research Project Jobner were received an appreciation certificate from DDG, ICAR for their contribution in the SPC scheme1994.
Dr. K.K. Vyas, Dr. S.C. Bhandari and Dr. S.D. Singh have been honoured with Dr. Rajendra Prasad award in 1997 for writing a book “MridaVigyan” in Hindi.
Dr. S.S. Sharma, Assistant Professor received oral paper presentation award in 2nd Asian Web Conference (12-13 Feb, 2021) organized by Soil Conservation Society of India.
Dr. Rajhans Verma, Assistant Professor awarded the “Fellow Member of the society of year 2022, Scholars Academic and Scientific Society, Navgaon, Assam. (ID NO. SAS/FSASS/428/2022)
Dr. Rajhans Verma, Assistant Professor awarded the best article by Agriculture& Food e-Newsletter on 07.03.2022 article entitled “Role of Remote Sensing in Agriculture (ID-36198), : 04(02) 445 ”
Facilities or infrastructure at college level
Undergraduate Laboratory: 02
Post graduate Laboratory: 01
Smart class for Undergraduate: 01
Departmental Library-01
PG Class room: 02
Soil plant and water testing laboratory: 01
Soil Physics laboratory: 01
Distilled water unit: 01
Vermicomposting Unit: 01
Biogas plant: 01
Soil monolith Museum: 01