Department of Plant Physiology

Identity of the Department

Department of Plant Physiology was established at SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner in 1982, after bifurcation from Department of Agriculture Botany. The major strengthen of the department was National Agriculture Research Project (NARP) on Drought and Salt Tolerance in Crop Plants. The M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph. D. in plant physiology were started in 1989 and 1999, respectively. In entire state of Rajasthan, the PG programmes in plant physiology are being run only in the SKN Agriculture University, Jobner. The major aim of this discipline is to advance, fundamental understanding of internal systems in plants and to develop effective plant-based technologies for applications across a wide spectrum to cope up with abiotic stresses. The department offers innovative educational programmes with emphasis on integrating plant physiology with a quantitative, systems-oriented statistical analysis and multidisciplinary approach at the undergraduate level and at the post graduate level for the M.Sc. and Ph.D.


  • To achieve excellence in quality education in plant physiolgoy.

  • To undertake research work on abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and high temperature.

  • To disseminate the research recommendations among the farmers.


  • Application of physiological tools for abiotic stress tolerance in crops.

  • Physiological, biochemical and molecular interventions for yield improvement in the major crops of region under drought, salinity and high temperature stresses.

  • To study of important metabolic pathways for improving plant growth and development.

  • Application and quantification of PGR’s for higher yield, shelf life and stress tolerance in agricultural and horticultural crops.

Completed projects/Schemes

  • National Agriculture Research Project on drought and salinity tolerance in crop plant.

  • Validation and post harvest technology for dragon fruits under semi arid conditions of Rajasthan (2016-2018)

  • Augmentation and internship development of dragon fruits and fig under semi arid conditions of Rajasthan ( 2016-2018)

  • Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity evaluation of paclobutrazol 40%SC (Plant Growth Regulator) on plant growth and yield of onion.(Continue..)

Facilities and infrastructure

Facilities Available in the Department

  • UG Lab. – 01

  • PG Lab. - 02

  • Seminar room -01

  • Cage House - 02

Major instruments available in the Department

  • Spectrophotometer

  • IRGA

  • Vapor Pressure Osmometer

  • Psychrometer

  • Refrigerated centrifuge

  • Growth Chamber

  • Flame Photometer

Achievement, recommendations and findings

  • Publication Summary

  • Book - 10

  • Book Chapters - 10

  • UG Laboratory manuals - 03

  • Research Papers – More than120

Recommendations and findings

  • JOB-666 and JOB-673 have been identified as salt tolerant wheat genotypes

  • Identified and proved the role of water relation parameters, photosynthesis, membrane stability index, osmolytes, chlorophyll stability index, anti-oxidative defence mechanism as yield determining traits under abiotic stress conditions.

  • Identified and recommended Ziziphus rotundifolia as best rootstock in ber for problematic soils due to its higher photosynthetic and transpiration efficiency, restricted translocation of sodium from roots to leaves and larger accumulation of potassium in the leaves.

  • Developed and popularized the agro-techniques for cultivation of few endangered medicinal plants of arid region i.e. Solanum surattense, Fumaria parviflora and Clerodendron serratum

  • Identified and recommended use of cytokinin and polyamines for improving dry matter partitioning and grain yield of wheat under drought conditions.

  • Sulphuric acid 0.5% effectively ameliorates the effect of frost in ber and aonla.

Staff Information

Name: Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma

Designation: Associate Professor

Specialization: Abiotic Stress, Mineral Nutrition studies & Seed Physiology

Contact: 9714680854


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Name: Dr. D.L. Bagri

Designation: Assistant Professor

Specialization: Mineral Nutrition, Fruit Physiology

Contact: 8233546210


AEIS Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Basant Kumar Dadrwal

Designation: Assistant Professor

Specialization: Plant Physiology (Abiotic stresses, Plant nutrition & Seed physiology)

Contact: 8107948140


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Faculty Associated from other Offices

Name: Dr. N.K. Gupta

Designation: Professor

Specialization: Climate change and Food Security, Molecular Physiology

Contact: 9460987039


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Former Heads

Placement of PG Students